So easy RIIIGHT..
So easy a caveman can do it, right? Well, after some thought, I've decided to set up a blog. Mostly I'd like to make this thing as fun and creative as I can. Keep in mind that I'm a very simple guy, and I don't really care about grammar and spelling. So if something doesn't seem right, it's probably because I was too lazy to hit the spell check button or wake up Janell (my female forever cavemate) to proof read my blog entry at three o clock in the morning. Well, on to what this blog is all about.
My name is Samuel "Sam" Aguirre. I'm a 25 year old man, born and raised in Southern California. I'm half Colombian (on my dad's side) and half Guatemalan (on my mom's). I was raised in a pretty traditional Hispanic home, and I am the second of five children. I have a sound belief in God, but by no means am I a perfect Christian. I always try to live my life to the fullest and make the most out of every moment, because life is long and I don't want to miss a thing! At the moment Janell and I are living in Buffalo NY. The reason for this is because she is attending medical school at UB or The University at Buffalo. So far she is kicking ass in school and on her way to becoming a doc (early retirement for me!! he he). So for at least the next four years, we will be living here with an empire state of mind.

What is CrossFit? Well, by definition "CrossFit is a strength and conditioning system built on constantly varied, if not randomized, functional movements executed at high intensity"-CF Journal. Or for us cavepeople, CrossFit is a non traditional style of training that is built right into our genes. The original cross athletes relied on well-balanced muscular bodies to tackle everyday perils. Whether crossing varied terrains, joining in on the daily hunt, or just taking off when shit hits the fan! By design CFit is easy to understand, tough to execute, and impossible to master. Constantly challenging WOD's, or "Workout Of the Day", keep daily exercises from getting boring. So if you dare to break away from the daily grind at your local globo gym, or just tired of getting nowhere with your routine, check out Read up, and start doing some WORK! I guarantee that a lil CFit will go a long way. And not only will you have "increased work capacity across broad time and modal domains" (might want to google that), but you'll also have a better chance of surviving the zombie apocalypse he he. And if your in the Buffalo area, check us out at Drop by, get a WOD in, drink the Kool-Aid, and meet a bunch of cool ass people!
Well, I think I've lost most of you guys by now, so I'll finish up. I'll try to keep posts short but as sweet as I can. Keep on checking back from time to time, and comment as much as you want. I'd love to hear what you have to say. Rock on and go eat some meat!
I have read most of your blog! I love it! I think I am going to try to do this, little by little, gotta break a lot of habits and a lot of stuff is pricey. Idk how I got here, I remember last night I clicked on Genesis blog and then I saw she had you on her blog and so I checked it out and got here and started reading everything. I am so happy your having a baby!! They are seriously God Sent! My lil Angels!! My lil baby is going to be 4! I cant believe how big they get! I wanted William to stay a baby but he is getting so big also, no more babies around ;-( So spend as much time as you can holding that lil one, because it is so true when people say they grow up fast, they really do!! I hope your family is doing well and adjusting well in NewYork and I wish you two the best!!